
Micro Cataract Surgery
In Micro Cataract Surgery, the incision size is generally between 1 mm to 2 mm. The cataract is removed with ultrasound technology (not laser, as is believed).
A probe is inserted into the eye and the ultrasound energy causes the cataract to liquefy and this liquefied material is suctioned out through the same probe. Generally, the probe size is around 0.9 mm.
Since the eye needs a constant fluid flow and the eye pressure has to be maintained, the probe is enveloped by a silicon sleeve that allows the entry of cold balanced salt solution (BSS) into the eye for protection and to maintain the temperature of the eye. This method is employed at Mulamoottil Eye Hospital.
Mulamoottil Eye Hospital uses one of the best technologies available in the world for Micro Cataract Surgery. It uses Ozil IP Intrepid Technology for the surgery and the patients require only 24 hours for post-surgical recovery.
Unlike conventional surgical methods, the procedure mentioned above involves no blood loss, no stitch and is totally painless. It is the most ideal one for diabetic and cardiac patients.
Procedure Benefits
- Surgery usually does not require stitching, hence no use of sutures
- Wide choice of quality lenses and solutions
- Micro Cataract Surgery is Customizable
Patient Benefits
- No need to stop anti-coagulant therapy (Aspirin, etc)
- Painless surgical procedure
- Excellent visual regain at a fast pace
- Infections are rare as incision size is small and seals early
- Safe for cardiac patients
- Safe for diabetic patients
- NIL bleeding as incision are made on clear cornea
- No use of pads
- Patient can do normal routine work from next 1-2 days of the surgery:
- Take head bath
- Drive an automobile
- Watch TV or read without restriction
- Carry shopping bags or moderate weights
- Cook as usual, attend religious and social functions
- No need for wearing dark glasses
Any person with cataract can undergo Micro Cataract Surgery provided that the cataract has not matured and become very hard.
Micro cataract surgery procedure is extremely safe for cardiac and diabetic patients.
The total procedure time for Micro Cataract Surgery is roughly 7-12 minutes. Usually around 8 minutes.
The cost is usually in a range of 25,000 to 35,000 depending on the materials you choose.
Generally, patients are aware of the surgeon touching the eye and a vague sensation of something being done, but pain is not reported.
At Mulamoottil Eye Hospital, we do not use sedatives and we find that our patients are very satisfied with the lack of pain. We usually do not give injections around the eye.
At Mulamoottil Eye Hospital, we bandage the eye for 2 hours (the time taken for the incision to seal).
At the end of 2 hours, our surgeons remove the protective bandage and examine the eye in detail. Then the patient is issued clear protective goggles (not conventional dark glasses) that they can use for a few days. An eye shield will be issued for night use (to prevent inadvertent massaging or trauma to the operated eye).
Mulamoottil Eye Hospital encourages patients to leave for their homes 4 hours after the surgery.
Complications with Micro Cataract Surgery are rare.
However, like all surgeries, Micro Cataract Surgery too has possible complications, though at very low rates. These are: Infections (endophthalmitis), inflammation, posterior capsule opacification (PCO), vitreous prolapse, retinal detachment, cystoid macular edema (CME), etc. However, it must be stated that these are mostly reported for ordinary cataract surgeries and the occurrence is very minimal in Micro Cataract Surgery.
Patients are advised to review with our surgical team after 72 hours. The second visit is scheduled after 10 days. Thereafter, there is no real need for follow up visits, though we do encourage our patients to see us after 45 days (prior to stopping eye drops).
There are no rigid restrictions after Micro Cataract Surgery, but it is wise to avoid rubbing the operated eye and direct rinsing of the eye with water.
Most patients can go to work after a week or so. Almost all patients can take head bath, drive a car, go shopping, worship, cook and do routine household chores.
Watching TV or reading is not a restriction. Using computer too is OK. There is no restriction on speaking or eating any kind of food.
Preferably, the next week. Within a month, at the very least.
Both eyes are not usually operated on the same day because of the simple reason that if there is a remote chance of any infection to one eye, both eyes will be affected.
We feel it is not worth the risk, however small it is.