Gen Info
Patient's Rights
Mulamoottil Eye Hospital's care is based on the belief that each patient is an individual with unique health care needs. We believe in the importance of respecting each patient's personal dignity and providing considerate respectful care focused upon the individual. This information is provided to ensure mutual cooperation and greater satisfaction for both patients and hospital staff.
Patient and Family Rights at MEH
- You have the right to access health care regardless of race, religion, national origin or the source of payment for the care.
- You have the right to know the name, identity, and professional status of all persons providing services to you and to know the physician who is primarily responsible for your care.
- You have the right to information on expected cost of the treatment.
- You have the right to be treated at all times with respect and consideration.
- You have the right to be informed of any hospital policies, procedures, rules or regulations applicable to your care.
- You have the right to receive complete and current information concerning your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in terms that you can understand.1
- You have the right to assess all information contained in your medical record.
- You have the right to accept or refuse any procedure, drug or treatment, and to be informed of the consequences of any such refusal.
- You have the right to privacy and discuss health care issues with the consultant and the following examinations, procedures and treatment are kept confidential.
- You have the right to know if your care involves research or experimental methods of treatment. You have the right to consent or refuse to participate.
- You have the right to get enough information about any proposed treatment or procedure to make an ‘informed consent’ - that is, you should know enough about the expected benefits, possible hazards, and time needed for recovery to decide if you want that treatment or procedure.
- You have the right to bring to the notice of the management of any problem or complaints with respect to hospitality, treatment and medications in the hospital through the suggestion box or directly by contacting the patient care services in charge, for cases including physical / verbal abuse or neglect.
Patient's Responsibilities at MEH
- You are responsible for working as a partner with your health care team.
- You are responsible for treating all staff and other patients with respect and consideration while using the services of Mulamoottil Eye Hospital.
- You are responsible for giving our caregivers accurate information about your health and all personal and family health information needed to provide you with appropriate care.
- You are responsible to follow the policies and procedures of the hospital including those regarding smoking, footwear (chappal) and number of visitors.
- You are responsible for asking questions about what you do not understand.
- You are responsible for maintaining your treatment and notifying your doctor of any changes in your health after leaving hospital.
- You are responsible for keeping or canceling appointments.
- You are responsible for understanding the limitations placed on privacy due to our facilities.
- You are responsible for respecting the privacy of other patients.
- You are responsible to accept financial responsibility for health care services and settle bills promptly.
- You are responsible for advising your doctor if you are unable to afford these charges.
Mulamoottil Eye Hospital is dedicated to the delivery of quality health care and patient satisfaction.
However, we recognize that concerns may arise. We ask that you first try to resolve the concern with the person concerned, if you are comfortable doing so.
If there is no satisfactory resolution, you may contact the Front Office Manager or the Secretary to the Medical Director for assistance.
If there still is no resolution, you will be fully explained about the grievance process and other options that may be available to you. Alternatively, you might mail your grievance to
If you are still not satisfied, you can e-mail the Chairman of Mulamoottil Group at