Mulamoottil Eye Hospital, Eye Care, Lasik, Cataract, Laser, Kozhencherry, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India
Mulamoottil Eye Hospital, Eye Care, Lasik, Cataract, Laser, Kozhencherry, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India


Tomey Pachymeter (Japan)

Mulamoottil Eye Hospital & Research Center


  • Assessment of corneal thickness.
  • Used for diagnosis of glaucoma by providing corrected IOP levels.
  • Pre-operative evaluation to LASIK (for the treatment of Myopia - Short sight) and other intra-corneal refractive procedures.


  • Proper assessment of corneal thickness possible and not arbitrary as in visual assessment.
  • IOP can be adjusted to the corneal thickness for proper management of glaucoma, since high IOP (Eye Pressure) can also be due to increased thickness of the cornea.


  • Cornea anaesthetized with topical anesthetic.
  • Probe placed over the cornea and an average of five readings taken.
  • For IOP correction the average value is corrected with a normogram.